First Capital Solutions
Project Development & Financial Solutions
First Capital Solutions Link Dash Exchange
Sos Diritti Umani sviluppa adozioni a distanza
Adozione a distanza, sviluppiamo adozioni a distanza e sostegno a distanza (attivazione in 1 settimana), attività di volontariato sui diritti umani, con azioni basate sulla reciprocita' nei campi dell'educazione, della sanita'. |
Give an Opportunity to the Children
These kids live in the poorest areas where there is great unemployment, the lack of opportunities is current currency and the education is luxury. Lets help Argentina. |
Maxi Pizza Card - school, band, team, group fundraising
Teams, schools, churches, groups fundraise $2,000- $20,000 (or more) fast with Maxi Pizza Card Fundraising which is ideal for any group eager to raise needed funds. No upfront cost. Step by step fundraising instructions. |
Elementary school fundraising | PTA, PTO fundraiser
School Spirit Fundraising discount card fund raising program is ideal for any elementary school seeking to raise $4,500 - $45,000 (or more) fast. No upfront cost. Each fundraising card is made EXCLUSIVELY for your elementary school. |
Volunteer Strike
The ngo s. U. D was created to combat poverty and injustice, promote solidarity and unity, and contribute to the sustainable development of individuals in Mauritius |
Plus Fundraising Discount Card | for RI teams, schools
Plus Fundraising discount card fund raising program is ideal for any area (RI, MA, CT) school, band, team, church or any other group who wants to raise funds fast. No upfront cost. Each fundraising card is made EXCLUSIVELY for your group. |